A glimmer of hope. Western politicians have become both unaccountable and mad puffed by their own importance.

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I find it interesting that the ranks of the military truth-tellers are Col. and Maj. There, they receive enough information and have experienced the burden of the responsibility for their soldiers. The ghastliness, the randomness and the capriciousness have stacked.

As for Generals, I know of but two: Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler, the US's first veteran peace activist, and General Wesley Clarke who leaked the 7 countries in 5 years Zionist benfiting, sole super-power megalomania of the Global War on/of Terror.

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This should be headline news in all of these countries. But still it's not.

The cray thing is we have a global climate crisis. We have a crisis of natural ecosystems nearing collapse. We have a a poverty and hunger crisis. And yet these countries dedicate little or nothing to solving these. But waging needless wars and putting the human race at risk of extinction, well THAT they have time and lots of money to throw at.

The entire thing is insane

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Houston is spelled Huston. Otherwise, great article.

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