Published: 2024-09-12
Yesterday was the inauspicious 23rd anniversary of the crimes of 9/11. Today, the mixture of publications to commemorate the event has changed, though followed the course of the last few years.
The total destruction of three office complex buildings in New York City and damage to a section of the Pentagon with associated loss of life were the alarming events of the day, aside for the unusual aircraft activity in the midst of a hijacking "war game" run by the US Department of Defence. The damage to the Pentagon allowed the events to be construed as an attack on the military and by extension the nation, rather than a civilian catastrophe, though the Pentagon damage was minuscule compared to that in NYC.
More than two decades of research have confirmed that, of those three buildings, World Trade Center 7 (a 57 story high skyscraper) was destroyed by controlled demolition. Simple visual examination of the videos of the destruction of the two main buildings WTC 1 and 2 shows that they were exploded. Neither of the two airliners which hit those towers caused their destruction. This is the primary distinction to be made when investigating the destruction. The cause was explosives. The airliner impacts were theatrics.
In this author's opinion, the single most important scientific research publication, the key to the events in NYC is "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" [PDF] by Harrit, Farrer, Jones, Ryan and others published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal in 2009. [It is easy to read. Skip the technical bits if needed.] Any explanation of the events of the day must account for a huge amount of nano-scale, and thus man made, thermitic material contained in 4 independent and carefully controlled chain of custody samples of the dust created by the building destructions on the day in NYC. (They had a 5th sample too, but rejected it because there was a faint weakness in the chain of custody. There are plenty of interviews, usually individually, with the authors listed above. They are proud of their research and understand its implications. Jones and Harrit had their careers ended because of it.)
US media coverage of this year's memorial events, as each year, follows the taboo of failing to note that the official explanation for the key events of the day in 2001 do not explain them at all. The two leaders of the 9/11 Commission, years ago, stated that their commission was underfunded and set up to fail. The structure of the report, from chapter to heading to sub-headings were written by Philip Zelikow before the commission had even begun gathering evidence. The crimes of the day have never been investigated by a body with the expertise and tools to conduct a criminal investigation (like the NYC Police Department). This is not accidental.
The Evolution of the Event
Ron Unz, Editor of The Unz Review, published a heavily researched article with citation links. His article re-examines 9/11 in the context of 10/7 (the Palestinian attack on the armed forces of their Zionist occupiers last year on October 7th). It builds on and links to not only his own previous related publications but also to many others and books on the topic. It is a wonderful update and contains a veritable library of reference material.
Many others who have also researched 9/11 and who still publish chose not to issue anything new. An exception was Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Their just under 8 hour long podcast begins with the names of the people to be invited as guests. Nowhere can be seen the experts which this author remembers with the single exception of Swiss historian Daniele Ganser. The torch seems to be being passed. The 9/11 topic is being folded into more recent events. The greybeards (and gray ladies) of the original cohort of researchers which began at little under 20 years ago have almost all been excluded or moved on. The format is changing with the times too.
This is not a terrible thing. 9/11, like the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. or the Kennedy brothers, will take its place in US history. As both Unz and Ganser note in their contributions, 9/11 belongs with a series of events as precursors to US wars; the Gulf of Tonkin hoax, the attack on Pearl Harbor. Elements of the 9/11 crimes, like the nano-thermite, are disappeared as with other important events, like the Israeli attempted sinking of the USS Liberty.
The Publishing / Information Dichotomoy
We are in an interesting age in which the ability to publish via the Internet has provided opportunity for a vast array of new research and opinion and for important and previously lesser known historical documents to be published. At the same time, as noted by the late John Pilger, the opportunities for dissenting voices in establishment media have disappeared.
Access to independent, rather than established publishing house supported, voices are being filtered by search algorithms and systems of reputation. These "reliability reputation" systems are commercial (like NewsGuard and its ilk) or government funded like the (fascist titled) Department of Homeland Security's defunct and Orwellian titled "Disinformation Governance Board". Independent authors are being attacked reputationally, judicially and/or financially (Scott Ritter, Richard Medhurst, Craig Murray, Julian Assange, John Kiriaku, ...). The same is true for the small independent media outlets (Consortium News, The Cradle, ScheerPost, ...).
This may look alarming, and it is. However, the battle for people's attention and the founding of official history is now more visible. The manipulation is exposed. Almost half a century after Carl Bernstein published an article exposing the CIA's employees and operatives in commercial media, the situation is worse, and known to be worse. The increased availability of a more nuanced and at times shocking history is having its effects on Western society. Much noise is made about Wokism and other trends. This author suspects that the effects of the grappling with a truer history is having an at least equally significant and far more long lasting impact.
Jaundiced Mythologies
A larger and larger percentage of Western society are being forced to deal with facts which threaten their worldview. Some adapt and find newer worldviews via a traumatic internal reckoning. Others refuse to look and suffer their own challenges. Many feel isolated, having learned things which they know are taboo and have not a community in which to express them. The isolation and reckoning was exacerbated by the CoVID epidemic and its handling by Western governments.
This situation had occurred before the current world transformation. The NATO war, backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine against Russia challenges Western dogma. NATO is backing the Nazis. Russia is defeating them for a second time. The Israeli Zionist genocide of Palestinians in Palestine is destroying their narrative of eternal victimhood. None of the US, the EU or Israel have a moral leg to stand on. Their mythologies are crumbling into lies, and the citizens of the West are having to accept the reality of their politico-economic system and its centers of power. The geopolitical counter-coalition, currently known as BRICS+, is working to dethrone the US dollar to depower the empire.
Extreme circumstances generate extreme responses. Last weekend the dual heads of CI-6 [CIA+MI-6] took to an armchair podium after having premiered a dual spy-agency leader op-ed in the Financial Times. These are not cracks, but chasms in the face paint.
The US and UK are about to declare as open the military component of World War III, which has been up and running in all other realms since part-way through the Syrian Dirty War, depending on where one wishes to start one's clock. Approval by the Anglo-Alliance for its weaponry and targetting data to be used in Ukraine to attack anywhere in the Russia Federation is about to be published.
All presumption of innocence or principle was shattered long ago.
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American Pravda: October 7th and September 11th, Ron Unz, The Unz Review, 2024-09-09
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, Harrit, Farrer, Jones, Ryan and others, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31.
Israel Did 9/11, Wyatt Peterson, The Unz Review, 2024-09-12
Putin: Supporting Long-Range Strikes on Russian Territory Would Put NATO 'at War With Russia', Dave DeCamp, Antiwar, 2024-09-12
THE CIA AND THE MEDIA, Carl Bernstein, Rolling Stone, 1977-10-20
CI-6 Take Center Stage as NATO Bows Out, YesXorNo, 2024-09-10
Dethroning the Reserve Currency, YesXorNo, 2024-08-27
Oh God It's Going To Get SO Much Worse: You Don't Know the Half of It, YesXorNo, 2022-05-01
The 24th Hour-- 9⧸11: Yesterday and Tomorrow [YSkzO7E040Q], AE911 Truth, 2024-09-11
Daniele Ganser starts 01:30:23
The Legacy Media, 9/11, 2024
Harris and Trump shake hands at New York 9/11 remembrance ceremony on 23rd anniversary of attacks, Michael Williams and Kevin Liptak, CNN, 2024-09-11
NYC pauses to remember 9/11 victims 23 years after terror attacks that altered the nation, Christina Fan, Alice Gainer, Christine Sloan, Jennifer McLogan, Renee Anderson, CBS News, 2024-09-11
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What was most notable about 9/11 was the rank ingorance of Americans about what happened and where it came from.
They were hungry to invade Iraq, but Iraq had nothing do do with it.
They wanted to invade Afghanistan but no Americans seemed to ever have heard of “Operation Cyclone” or to understand that their country had cultivated guerilla fighters and deliberately attracted them to Afghanistan from all over the world.
They neither knew that their pet foreign legion had “gone rogue”. Had never heard of the bombings in Nairobi, nor Tanzania, nor the USS Cole. Although all this was public knowledge
They didn’t even seem to remember that the World Trade Center itself was bombed in 1993 by the same people! T
They didn’t seem to understand that the 9/11 hijackers were Egyptian and Saudi, nor to question why Americans leaders were so close with those countries.
They didht remember anything, didn’t understand anything. And they didn’t want to. Just followed the flagging and cheered bombings. Basically lemmings.
It’s several decades later and unfortunately they are no less ignorant- and their current leaders are if anything MORE ignorant than before.