What was most notable about 9/11 was the rank ingorance of Americans about what happened and where it came from.
They were hungry to invade Iraq, but Iraq had nothing do do with it.
They wanted to invade Afghanistan but no Americans seemed to ever have heard of “Operation Cyclone” or to understand that their country had cultivated guerilla fighters and deliberately attracted them to Afghanistan from all over the world.
They neither knew that their pet foreign legion had “gone rogue”. Had never heard of the bombings in Nairobi, nor Tanzania, nor the USS Cole. Although all this was public knowledge
They didn’t even seem to remember that the World Trade Center itself was bombed in 1993 by the same people! T
They didn’t seem to understand that the 9/11 hijackers were Egyptian and Saudi, nor to question why Americans leaders were so close with those countries.
They didht remember anything, didn’t understand anything. And they didn’t want to. Just followed the flagging and cheered bombings. Basically lemmings.
It’s several decades later and unfortunately they are no less ignorant- and their current leaders are if anything MORE ignorant than before.
What was most notable about 9/11 was the rank ingorance of Americans about what happened and where it came from.
They were hungry to invade Iraq, but Iraq had nothing do do with it.
They wanted to invade Afghanistan but no Americans seemed to ever have heard of “Operation Cyclone” or to understand that their country had cultivated guerilla fighters and deliberately attracted them to Afghanistan from all over the world.
They neither knew that their pet foreign legion had “gone rogue”. Had never heard of the bombings in Nairobi, nor Tanzania, nor the USS Cole. Although all this was public knowledge
They didn’t even seem to remember that the World Trade Center itself was bombed in 1993 by the same people! T
They didn’t seem to understand that the 9/11 hijackers were Egyptian and Saudi, nor to question why Americans leaders were so close with those countries.
They didht remember anything, didn’t understand anything. And they didn’t want to. Just followed the flagging and cheered bombings. Basically lemmings.
It’s several decades later and unfortunately they are no less ignorant- and their current leaders are if anything MORE ignorant than before.