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I would not be so quick to make assumptions of factionalism in the US military.

In fact the US govt has had a long and clear patent of both duplicity and very structured action to dupe foreign entities and countries it sees as "adversaries" as well as to dupe the western public.

For example these staged claims of Biden admin being "annoyed" with Netanyahu for genocide.Such as the staged "hot mic" moments, to pretend Biden has a different view privately.


But he doesn't have a different view. He is firmly with the genocide and is a protagonist, not a tourist in it. As should be obvious by now- US govt continues to increase shipment of free weapons to Israel to do it. and giving them surveillance information to bomb civilians. So in effect the US govt takes the heat off of Israel.

For example the US govt faking that it is mediating negotiations with Hamas and Hezbollah, while giving Israel more weapons to kill them and their leaders.....and then last week after the leaders have been killed with the help of the US military surveillance and weapons...Matthew Miller came out in a press conference:


"MR MILLER: We’ve – we’ve never – hold on. We’ve never wanted to see a diplomatic resolution with Hamas...:"

There,,, the US govt is has been fooling Hamas and Hezbollah and duping the public into seeing it as a peace envoy not the killer. For months. That's what it means when the "negotiator" later tells you they NEVER wanted a negotiated solution with the representatives of Palestinians. Just bombs....which they supply. Wake up.

Do not underestimate the duplicity and deviousness of zionists.

In this case, this faux-leak, can in fact be a strategy to make a later attack by Israel on Iran seem "restrained". But in fact Israel has no right to attack Iran at all. And the ICJ judgement makes it clear that Iran is within rights to support resistance against the Iraeli genocide, apartheid and illegal occupation:


In fact the ICJ judgement says the US is actually obliged to itself take up arms to stop Israel from even living a finger again. But the US is doing the opposite

So understand this is narrative management and manipulation.

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