How about this weird thought from another Substack today ..

The Jews in Israel are going back to Ukraine & make it new Israel ..

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I can't find a logical reason for the alleged new Ukronazi pursued pollicy of transferring the Banderastan government to Lvov, how's that gonna help them from being denazified?

All I can see is a future similar to that of the exiled Iraqi-Iranian MEK-jihadists (loyal to CIA and running terrorist training camps on their behalf), currently residing in Albania under constant "western" protection.



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Galicia is their historic roots / cultural heartland. Lvov/Lviv is its capital.

The choice is not military strategic, but cultural/narrative based.

And, I agree about your MEK summary. Thanks for the links!

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Galicia surely is their historic heartland, if you think of the Banderites :)

After all, we've all heard of the 14th Waffen-SS division "Galicia" manned by "western-oriented" cossacks.

However, the speculation seems to stem from the "western" illusion that Russia's primary interest in Ukraine is territorial gains and that Kiev, as a Russian historic heartland, is also on VVP's "bucket list". That assumption is completely wrong and can be debunked by simply looking at the goals that Russia wants to achieve with its SMO - denazification and demilitarisation.

Hence, in essence it doesn't make any difference where the Ukronazi government is located (unless in exile far away from the Heartland), as it will be targeted and destroyed for as long as it's acting as a ZATO henchman and a direct threat to Russian national interests.

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