Corruption in Ukraine Simplifies CIA+MI-6 Coordination of Nazis and Treasonous Russians Attacking Nuclear Armed Russia with NATO Weapons
As a PR stunt
[From Ritter’s article with photo caption: “Ukrainian special forces unit in Kabul during the 2021 Kabul airlift. (Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)”]
Published: 2024-03-21
Ritter to the Trenches
The operations wing of the CIA are still running Iran/Contra type operations, 40 years later, but this time in Ukraine.
The operations are far simpler because they don't need to run drugs out of Columbia through Costa Rica to dump crack cocaine onto the streets of poor African-American districts in southern California to fund the weapons purchases. That funding is provided by the Congress which is now so locked into the nationwide, implanted military industrial conglomerate that it fears not approving ever increasing military budgets to be flung at foreign wars. The cadre of "elites" which run US foreign policy invest in the government funded companies which manufacture the weapons which in turn own major portions of the US media, and/or advertise through them, to secure their participation in this government, tax payer funded, military racket.
Scott Ritter provides in his Consortium News article the details of some politically and ethnically specialized paramilitary units under the command of the Ukrainian military intelligence service, the GUR (not to be confused with the Russian GRU).
Back in an earlier era, May 2023, reports of obscure units attacking the Russian Belgorod oblast from northeastern Ukraine appeared in Western media. The narratives which appeared then carried the core of "dissident Russians attacking Russia" but were distinctly unclear: under whose command were these forces attacking?
Vlassovites: the RDK, LSR, and “Siberia” Battalion
Ritter's article provides an authoritative account of not only membership and command of these paramilitaries, but also their size and the US supplied, equipment they used. The recent repeat, though on a much larger scale, of their attacks towards Belgorod "were planned months before the attack". They were timed to coincide with the Russian Federation's Presidential election to serve a political narrative. Its purpose was to destabilize and delegitimize that election process, which has been extended by both the US State Department and the Official Imperial Echo Chamber (MSM).
As with the last article on these units by this newsletter, one can clearly understand that the operations serve no useful military purpose. A child can understand that a force of 2 000 attacking a nation of 150 million is destined to fail. The suicidal stooges who participated in these attacks knew that their purpose was propaganda, or "information warfare". They are or were PR fodder.
Ritter's language is appropriately cautious. The US 1st Amendment prevents its courts from validating any law which prevents political speech, but says nothing about the government persecuting people after they have spoken.
Early in his article Ritter states:
Given the extensive involvement of the C.I.A. in the work of the GUR, it is highly unlikely that an action of this scope and scale could have been executed without the knowledge of the C.I.A. and in the attacks, including its goals and objectives.
Indeed, the presence of high-end U.S. military equipment, including M-2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), in the order of battle in the attack by Russian insurgent forces points to a direct U.S. role, as does the political nature of the mission of election disruption, which has been a long-term objective of the C.I.A. in Russia stretching back decades.
Along the way, in his careful mix of expression the term "stay behind" appears, echoing Operation Gladio, so extensively researched by Daniele Ganser.
He finally lands on:
[...] it appears the C.I.A. has not only green-lighted an actual invasion of the Russian Federation, but more than likely was involved in its planning, preparation and execution.
Ritter also clearly identifies the insane risk which the CIA is running. They are not coordinating attacks against a small nation in Latin America, but a nuclear armed Russia. The reason that these ideological operatives can be so reckless is that they are entirely unaccountable, transitioning from one "Uniparty" "endless wars" government to the next; the very epitome of a deep state.
Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel, on 2024-03-19 at a US State Department press briefing informed the world:
So look, we have been very clear that the U.S. is not going to send troops to fight in Ukraine, and NATO secretary general has also ruled out sending any NATO troops to fight in Ukraine.
This is the announcement that, as Stephen Bryen predicted on January 22nd this year, the CIA will return to the ascendancy of running Project Ukraine. The same idea was confirmed by newly departed ideologue and mother of the NATO war against Russia in Ukraine, Vixen Nuland, in her CSIS speech where the term 'asymmetric' was used 6 times. The reasons for this transition have also been acknowledged in the Official Imperial Echo Chamber.
Logistitics is Reality
Villages in Ukraine are devoid of men because they've all already emigrated, been conscripted or are dead. There's nobody left to recruit to fight this stupid war which could have been ended before it began (the Minsk II Accords), or after 5 days (negotiations in Belarus) or 5 weeks (negotiations in Istanbul); aka there's nobody to fight the war. Now, Russia's military production exceeds the combined West's by some factor of at least 3 to 1; aka there's nothing to fight with either. Therefore, there's an impending (September, says al Adanov) collapse of the AFU, and for this reason Macron is forming a coalition of the terrified to "secure the peace"; aka to prevent a Ukrainian revolt against their puppet, corrupt, US funded oligarchy. That is how catastrophic the situation is.
The CIA operatives and their colluding State Department mouthpieces care little for the risk of nuclear war, the well being of citizens anywhere outside of their cloistered circles, or anything as quaint as the rule of law, military or civilian, or democracy.
US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller both denied reality and threatened election observers, exposing his Department’s fantasy and hypocrisy:
To be clear, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, Kherson, and Crimea are Ukraine. The results of these Potemkin-style exercises will be dictated by Moscow and cannot reflect the free will of the citizens of Ukraine who are being compelled to vote in them.
[...] The United States will continue to use all available tools to hold accountable those individuals responsible for actions that undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity, or political independence of free countries, including those who serve as election observers for the Kremlin’s sham elections in occupied parts of Ukraine.
Meanwhile, in the ‘free country’ of Ukraine its military intelligence is running foreign funded and coordinated, Nazi infested, paramilitary organizations to attack a larger, nuclear armed neighbor to which they are about to lose a war.
Tweaking the Headlines
This newsletter's original article's headline stands, but could do with a tweak:
Corruption in Ukraine Results in Nazis Attacking Russia with NATO Weapons
Corruption in Ukraine Simplifies CIA+MI-6 Coordination of Nazis and Treasonous Russians Attacking Nuclear Armed Russia with NATO Weapons
With thanks to Scott Ritter for the heavy lifting of providing the detailed descriptions of these latest, CIA, paramilitary, information warfare stooges.
The war which 'free Ukraine' is about to lose was triggered by attempting to run a genocide, after 8 years of civil war and being armed to the teeth and trained by NATO, to serve the purposes of a US ideological elite and their MICCIMATT complex.
That this same complex is still supporting an actual, running genocide in Gaza, informs one deeply of its motives and modus operandi.
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The CIA's Secret War - Using Russian Fascists to Fight Russia, Scott Ritter, Consortium News, 2024-03-18
Managing a Nightmare, Ryan Devereaux, The Intercept, 2014-09-25
📽️ Interview 1843 – Daniele Ganser Exposes The Ruthless Empire, Corbett interviews Ganser, The Corbett Report, 2023-10-18
Department Press Briefing – March 19, 2024, Vedant Patel (Principal Deputy Spokesperson), US State Department, 2024-03-19
Without Extensive Narrative Manipulation, None Of This Would Be Consented To, Caitlin Johnston, Caitlin's Newsletter, 2024-03-20
Victoria Nuland: Two-Year Anniversary of Russia's Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, Center for Strategic International Studied, 2024-02-22
Corruption in Ukraine Results in Nazis Attacking Russia with NATO Weapons, YesXorNo, 2022-06-17
Y&J: Ukraine Has Always Been a CIA Project, YesXorNo, 2024-02-27
[US] NATO v Russia: 2014 - 2024, YesXorNo, 2024-03-08
NATO is Isolating Itself, YesXorNo, 2024-03-09
🎧 Late Night Rant | Lexicon: MICIMATT and Defence, YesXorNo, 2024-01-03
Ukraine's Costly Cross-Border PR Stunt + Russia Continues Out-Producing Collective West, Brian Berletic, The New Atlas, 2024-03-17
Midnight Oil - US Forces, from their outstanding 1983 album 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 known in Aus as “10 to 1”, uploaded 2009-10-03
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