Sitemap - 2021 - YesXorNo
Russia/NATO Security Draft Treaty: Pieces Moving on the Board
Ashes 2021/2022, MCG, Day 3: A Team, A Man and an Historic Moment
Ashes 2021/2022, MCG, Day 2: A Bowler's Day Out
Ashes 2021/2022, MCG, Day 1: The Captain Returns
Consistent Download Speed Degradation: A Confused and Concerned Customer
The Ashes at Adelaide: Days 3 and 4
T-34: An Education in Comparative Propaganda
The Norse Gods of Cricket: Adelaide, Day 2
Ashes at Adelaide: Day 1, Classic Test Cricket
Poking Wikipedia: Begging to be Let In
A Narrative of Narratives: Seeing the "Establishment" Media for What it Is
High Court Neuters District Court: Assange Extradition sent to a Politician
The 'Gabbatoir Rolls On: Ashes 2021/2022 follows old plans
The Intrigue of Cricket: Attempting the Impossible
Time: Seeing the forest and the trees
The Mendoza Saga: Richard Medhurst Flexes FOIA to Find Facts
Craig Murray is Released: The UK Scores an Own Goal
Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Speaks Government Policy: Independent Journalism Just Doing Its Thing
Foreign Terrorist Organisations : Legal and Logical Loopholes, and Lopsided Labeling
Domestic Presidential Assassinations: Resurgent Narrative Annoyances [Updated]
Right to Invade: The R2P doctrine examined
Ayla's Saga: Fictional Prompts
Skin in the Game: A Former Prime Minister Rides Again [updated]
Exclusive: A Family's Fight for Justice, Ithaka Premiered at the Randwick Ritz [updated]
Polarity: Us vs. Them, or Us and Us
Aspirating Mandated Breaking Chains: Ceding Labour Militancy to Managed Markets
Persecution of Assange : Dancing with the Cypherpunks [Updated 2021-11-05]
Persecution of Assange: Media Analysis [Updated]
Bonded : Sticking discussions to the fly strip
Assange and the MCU : Justice for Journalists
A Calculus of Love: The Focus of Teachers
Our Class: A Unification of Purpose [Updated 2021-10-24]
A Crack in the Glass : Watching structural changes
The Mycelium of Life: A paradigm of absorption or symbiosis
Dirty Nuggets : The Virtue of Anger
A Fulcrum: Determining Determination
Rubbing the Lamp : The Media or the Think Tanks?
Silo-ized Media Fails to Prevent Discussion: A Civilized Exchange in the Era of CoVID [Updated]
Blips on the Radar : Merging the Dots
SCO + 1 (+ 3) : Welcome Iran, and Hi Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia [updated]
Butler Rides Again : Old Fascist Plots Revisited
AUSUK : A Trilateral Pantomime and a Dance Down History [Updated: 2021-09-22]
9/11, A Reflection : Dr Watson in No-Man's Land
Meeting requests : Who are the analysts? [Updated many times]
Seeing the Background : Channeling Gödel, Escher, Bach
Unprotected markets: Getting your arms blown off
The Chessboard : A Meandering Tour from Peshawar to Herat
Disinformation is power : Navigating the 5th Estate
The power of the response is proportional to the threat : Other voices
How did this happen? What does it mean? : Sourcing voices
Political Economy as a Salvation : Spotting a moment before it passes [updated]
Policy and Rhetoric : Foreign and Domestic
Voyager 2 vs US Funding for an Afghan Navy
Talibanning the FCM : Digging for nuance
Myth Busting, the History Edition: Hedges and Sjursen deconstruct WWII USA narratives
Origins and Emergence of the Cosmos
The Origins and Emergence of SARS-CoV-2
Distinguishing Moral and Financial Abuse in the Media
Choosing the youth to Die for Taiwan
Joint Command in Combined Arms Drill [Updated]
A Lesson in Myopia and Incompetence
The Litany of Insanity Rolls Onwards
Multi-polar politics is possible in Central Asia; help the BRI!
From West Point to Pointing at the West
An a la carte Restaurant of News
Ransomware and Computer/Network Security
Assange, Afghanistan and Soviet History
NSA spying on Carlson and leaking to US media feeds a narrative for Russia
A Marxian analysis of the USSR's preparation for WWII
Be scared; its Fozzy Bear with a Candle in the Laundry
A journalist is saved by journalists
A Direct Line with Orthodoxy, Leadership and Nationalism
Assange Extradition in Tatters
MoD/Navy gets Soggy with the PM
Red-lining Information and Discussion
Anti-war means Anti-Robot war too
Revisionism is the norm; WWII as a case in point
Waving the bird after settling a defense contract
Iran further to BRI, France/Germany engage Russia and UK tosses toys from pram
Power is not to be fought, but feared
Biden operates within the constraints which he'd earlier enforced
Dancin' in Djibouti and Aiden' the BRI
It was a planned outage, or outrage
Slouching towards disintegration
Some voices are less equal than others
Petty gripes and some more interesting events